Educational Psychology
pdf | | 2009-09-14 | Author:Marisa Drexel

( Category: Educational Psychology February 28,2022 )
epub |eng | 2021-08-02 | Author:Lisa Westman;

This lesson not only helped students to build their empathy skills but also gave the teachers insight into how the students were feeling and what might be going on in ...
( Category: Educational Psychology February 14,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:Ross W. Greene

- Chapter 7 - PARENTAL ANGST In the first few chapters of this book, we considered your role in your kid’s life and your options in trying to fulfill that ...
( Category: Educational Psychology July 27,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-07-10 | Author:Connie Scoles West, Robert J. Marzano

Boys and girls, I know you are very curious about all of the objects I put on the counter. Today we are going to investigate the properties of these various ...
( Category: Educational Psychology July 23,2020 )
epub, pdf |eng | | Author:William J. Boone & John R. Staver

The two tests share no items or persons in common, but the items cover similar material. Step 1. Identify pairs of items of similar content and difficulty in the two ...
( Category: Research July 21,2020 )
epub, pdf |eng | | Author:John Dewey

THE SOCIAL NATURE OF THE COURSE OF STUDY ~ IN MANY RESPECTS, IT IS the subject-matter used in school life which decides both the general atmosphere of the school and ...
( Category: Philosophy & Social Aspects July 20,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Punya Mishra & Danah Henriksen

Thus, it was identifying and twisting a deep, or less obvious, variable that led to the design of a unique and creative puzzle. Yet the “creative” design is ultimately based ...
( Category: Administration July 5,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Dejian Liu, Chris Dede, Ronghuai Huang & John Richards

Keywords TA 1 Virtual reality 171 2 Interactive learning environment 64 3 Augmented reality 60 3 Simulation 54 4 Education 36 5 Second life 28 6 Virtual worlds 28 7 ...
( Category: Administration July 4,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Dirk Ifenthaler

Applying the “Hype Cycle” model that depicts the level of expectations over time to the MOOC phenomenon (c.f. Bozkurt, Keskin, & de Waard, 2016), one can argue that after the ...
( Category: Administration July 4,2020 )